
Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Sponsored" Plantings - Sustaining the Community

One of the Artists-in-Residence this season shared with me some thoughts about perpetuating the bounty of the garden beyond this year and beyond that. Sounds good to me, here's the thought:

He wants to "sponsor" the planting of 10 strawberry plants and the reasonable cost of their annual care -- about $50 -- plants that will produce for familes to come; in exchange for 10 baskets of strawberries as his sustenence-investment "interest". Something between Heifer International and carbon credits!

I love the idea of planting the seeds and food of the future, and the sense of community our shared "investment" will drive. And, on a less grand scale, I like it that you folks, to some degree, could focus in on foods you want but can't grow/get and I'd get to try some thing I wouldn't already have tried.

Let me know what your interested in seeing planted; on your behalf, for many.

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